Major work and rehabilitation of bridges-since original construction in 1938.
- Replacement of approach span deck system to the US crossing (1984)
- Replacement of approach, Truss, Arch and suspension span deck system to the Canadian crossing (1997)
- Replacement of suspension span deck system to the US crossing (2000)
- Widening of Canadian Span North approach (2001)
- Widening of the International Rift Bridge, East Span (2004)
- Security and Traffic Management System (2008)
- US Bridge Electrical Upgrade (2012)
- Replacement of the Suspension Span Bearing and Expansion Joint System to both US and Canadian crossings
- Rehabilitation of the Bridge Concrete Pier System to US crossing
- Replacement of the US Bridge Approach Lighting System
- Replacement of the Bridge Stay Cable System to both US and Canadian crossings
- Installation of weigh-in-motion commercial vehicle scale system at the US and Canadian Toll Plazas
- Installation of Bridge Maintenance and Inspections Platfom System to both US and Canadian crossings
- Continuous painting maintenance program which revolves on a seven-year cycle to both US and Canadian crossings
- US and Canadian main cable interior inspection
- Customer advisory variable message signs
- Construction of an International Visitor Information and Welcome Center
- Construction of the New York State Police Barracks
Capital improvement projects to US and Canadian bridges are funded by their dutiful owners, while all regular maintenance and operating costs are a shared expense between the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority and FBCL. Because of the possibility of impeding traffic flow, major improvement projects involving traffic control are purposely phased to minimize impact on traffic.
The Thousand Islands Bridge Authority operates its bridges and facilities without State, Provincial or Federal funds and does not provide toll revenues to non-bridge operations.